Permission to Imitate God

Building Christian Character by Doing What God Does

In the journey of spiritual growth and character development, the concept of imitating God stands as a central tenet for many Christians. I know it sounds a bit audacious, but believers are urged to imitate God. Ephesians 5:1-2:

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

This call to imitation is not about aspiring to divinity but about mirroring God's character in our daily lives, embodying qualities like love, forgiveness, and righteousness.

The Foundation of Character
As defined by many, character is who you are when no one is watching. It's the moral and ethical fiber that shapes our decisions and actions. Leadership expert John Maxwell noted,

"Character is the foundation upon which your leadership is built."

This sentiment resonates deeply in both secular and spiritual contexts. For Christian leaders, the alignment between their words and actions is paramount, ensuring consistency that reflects their faith and values.

Mr. Brew, my senior-year Biology teacher, left me alone in the classroom to take a final makeup test. After looking over the test, I immediately knew I was unprepared, and without help, I was destined to fail. 

Wouldn't you know it, I found help on the podium. My teacher had left like a golden trophy on display; the key sheet and all the answers I needed were there for the taking! I answered every question correctly, except two, so as not to look too obvious. There was one colossal problem; he walked back into the room before I could return the key sheet to its home on the lecture stand. Not only had I cheated, I was caught doing it! 

I braced myself for the worst rebuking lecture ever, but the best lesson on character showed up. He apologized to me! He took responsibility and explained that no young man should be left alone with a key-sheet in the room. He said he felt he was at fault. I disagreed but certainly didn't argue. Although not deserving and not Summa cum laude, I passed Biology and graduated High School.  

Mr. Brew was a pivotal figure in my life. He showed me the importance of character during a biology test, which sparked a realization of the enduring significance of ethical integrity. This example mirrors Paul's teachings in Ephesians, urging believers to abandon old ways and embrace a new life reflective of God's righteousness and holiness.

Imitating God: What It Means

To imitate God is not to mimic His omnipotence or omniscience but to embody His attributes—love, mercy, justice, and truth—in our interactions with others.

It's akin to a child trying on oversized shoes, knowing they will never fully fill them, but learning to walk in a manner that reflects their parent's example. This analogy speaks to the developmental nature of Christian character: a continual growth process guided by God's example and teachings.

Ephesians 5:1-2: A Blueprint for Christian Living
Ephesians provides a structured approach to spiritual growth, beginning with a call to discard former behaviors rooted in darkness and embrace a renewed life in Christ. This transformation involves practical steps: speaking truthfully, controlling anger, working diligently, and using words to build others up rather than tear them down. These actions not only align one's conduct with God's standards but also cultivate a community where grace and kindness flourish.

The passage progresses, urging believers to avoid impurity and instead embrace thanksgiving and righteousness. It warns against immorality and idolatry, admonishing a life that reflects God's light and exposes darkness. Ultimately, it emphasizes discernment and wisdom in navigating a world fraught with moral challenges.

Living Distinguished Lives
The progression in Ephesians—from abandoning old ways to walking wisely and discerningly—culminates in a life characterized not by mere difference but by distinction. It echoes the aspiration for a life that, when observed by others, reflects the light of Christ rather than conformity to worldly standards.

Sine Cera—Without Wax
The Latin phrase "sine cera," often attributed to pottery and sculptures without wax fillers or deception, serves as a metaphor for Christian character. It underscores the sincerity, authenticity, and integrity required in imitating God. As believers strive to walk in love, speak truth, and live with discernment, they embody a sincerity that resonates beyond words—a testimony to God's transformative power.

Imitating God involves more than emulation; it necessitates a transformation of heart and mind, aligning one's life with God's principles of love and righteousness. Ephesians serves as a blueprint for building character and living a life that honors God—a life marked by sincerity, integrity, and a distinctive commitment to imitate the divine.


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