Behind the Mask of Religious Traditions
Your Guide to Discovering and Destroying Sacred Cows
What Is a Sacred Cow?
“A sacred cow is any program, custom, tradition, or religious function that has evolved from its original purpose of serving, to demanding to be served…creating an animal so deformed that it can’t be dealt with, but must be destroyed.”
Behind the Mask of Religious Traditions exposes the ugliness of dead rituals and reveals the beauty of true, living worship.
As you destroy the religious cows in your life, you will find yourself grazing with the Shepherd in lush green pastures beside a refreshing flowing stream of living water.
Confessions of Job's Wife
In Her Diary, Find Your Hope
From what is believed to be the oldest writings in history, come four single-syllable words, “curse – God – and – die!” There is so much to read “between the lines” in this weary woman’s words.
Most people know her simply as, “Job’s Wife.” By peeking into her personal journal, you will developa bond with a woman who is courageous enough to verbalize what you have already been thinking. You will get weary with her as she faces the fog of tragedy and grief. You will laugh with her when she becomes “slumber party silly.” Stay with her and you will uncover how her secret solution will work for you.
You are about to discover through “Confessions of Job’s Wife” a new and honest way to embrace your struggles. This doesn’t mean you should start advertising as a crisis collector. But since many of life’s battles are inevitable you will learn to love them – especially after the fact.